

Life Prediction

Life Prediction Report is a customized reading with a detailed analysis of the impacts of different planets on your life through Your Horoscope and suggest you a remedies that will help you achieve peace, prosperity and Success.

Know all about your life through Life Prediction Report . Get a Complete and unaltered review of your Horoscope for total Peace of mind and Happiness. Discover your strengths and weakness, or discover the potential for development and growth in your self. Avail our report service via e-mail.

Know the highs & lows of your life, the best times and the unfavourable too. Have periods as predicted through your horoscope, Have unique, unexaggerated , unaltered and unbiased account of what the future holds in for you.

Ask for Life Prediction Report which gives you an update and provide you with fact of the future. Know all about your future as revealed by your horoscope. Each and every possible question will be answered.

To satisfy your curiosity to know the future and solve your problems through astrology, Acharyaji suggest unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. After analyzing your horoscope, tries to suggest instant effective remedies in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.

After analyzing your horoscope in depth let you know the exact positions of your planets and how can they effect your life. Acharyaji would suggest you the suitable remedies, which could be wearing of Kavach(Amulet) or performing regular puja of Yantra or Mantra Chanting. If necessary we would recommend you to perform specific puja for a particular planet(which could be done by you or you can request astroshastra to perform puja on your behalf).

Match Making Report

Kundali Milan or Horoscope matching is done for the only purpose that couple enjoys happy married life. We have a scientific approach on Kundali Milan. Traditionally, in Kundali Milan Astrologers do Gun Milan and Manglik considerations however we do it differently. Following considerations are of utmost importance for Kundali Milan.

The prospective life partner should have

  • 1. Long life
  • 2. Good health
  • 3. Understanding nature or good nature
  • 4. His /her horoscope should be positive for child birth
  • 5. Should be of good character and have good personality
  • 6. Should have fairly good professional career and financial growth

Career Quest

In today's times, career has assumed much higher importance than any other aspect of life. An idea about how to move ahead in planning your career is of paramount importance in our times.

We come across cases of exceptionally early success and on the other hand of entrepreneurs who left cushy jobs to scale the heights of professional success late in life. The success comes due to finding your true calling at the time destined for you.

It is due to this we have tailored this report to study your chart in detail and come up with the best avenues for success in life. We will cover in the report the following:

What is the best method of making a living - job, self employment as a professional or running an enterprise, employing others. Whether you have any special talents to make a living as.

Health Report

While wish you do not suffer on your health and lead a quality life. But, the fact is that we all tend to suffer from some or the other health related issues in our lifetime. Moreover, the stress of modern day living and the one derived from our profession, further compounds the health problems at hand. Which is where Astrology can come to our aid. It not just can provide the areas / ailment one is likely to suffer in lifetime, hence take necessary precautions ahead of time, but can also help you make a choice between options available related to health decisions.

With the help of Astrology, the following information and aid has traditionally been given over the time :

In case of a person suffering from a particular ailment - When will the person be cured / will the ailment be cured or turn fatal ( in case of life threatening diseases)

In case of a doubt, about certain diseases where both medicine and surgery are the options ? Whether medicine or surgery is the right option to go for.

Gemstone Analysis

Gemstones have been in use from the very dawn of civilization. A certain sense of mystic and curiosity are associated with these colorful objects available naturally to the mankind.

The Gemstones are harbinger of good luck & fortune. For instance Ruby is known to bestow political powers & ability to control others! Wearer of Coral is known to be physically very strong. This Gemstone imparts strength & stamina, a favorite among the athletes! There's a very strong reason to believe that those who wear Gemstones get a certain 'beneficial Push' in their lives.

Birth Time Rectification

Vedic Astrology has specific tools for working out an unknown birth time by means of going backwards based on the events that happen during the life time of the person.

Specific events are reflected by sub divisional charts such as Navamsa (Life Partner and general events), Dasamsa (career), Chaturthamsha (Destiny), Shastiasa (general events) etc.

All these sub divisional charts are sensitive sometimes, to even 5 seconds. Based on these sub division charts, an expert vedic astrologer is able to reverse engineer the time of birth based on the events.

We require at least 5 major events which have occurred already to work back the unknown birth time.